
Our website automatically calculates the cost of transport due, depending on the content of your order, the country and the postcode of delivery ... In rare cases, no amount will be displayed and the words "no carrier" may appear. We invite you to notify us by email to info@viral-surf.com
When your order is shipped, an email will be sent to you, including the tracking number of your package and the URL of the chosen supplier. In rare cases and for technical reasons (spam, etc.), some customers do not receive this follow-up email. We invite you to make a request by email to info@viral-surf.com, make sure to mention the exact reference of your order.
Systematically inspect the contents of your package at reception.
Make an inventory of the package and the goods with the carrier. Note all possible damage on the delivery slip and sign it. Thank you for taking the time to inform us of complaints and to check the consistency between the products delivered and the attached invoice as soon as possible. In the absence of a complaint on your part with the carrier and upon receipt of your order, no recourse will then be possible to obtain reimbursement or replacement of damaged products.
If you receive a damaged foam blank, we advise you to systematically refuse the package and ask the carrier to return it to us.
For logistical or economic reasons, we cannot ship to certain destinations. Thus, certain areas such as Switzerland, Great Britain, the Anglo-Saxon or Spanish Islands are not eligible for delivery, and only the withdrawal of goods in store will be offered to you. We are sorry, but have no other solution for you.
This is impossible. We cannot, for liability, insurance and logistics reasons, offer you this possibility.
The "Pickup" option means pickup in store. If you choose this option, you will have to go physically to the address 61 avenue du maréchal Juin, 64200 Biarritz, in order to collect your order.
If you have chosen this option by mistake, we invite you to contact us by email to info@viral-surf.com in order to proceed, if you wish, to the payment of the shipping costs and the shipping of your order.
When your order is ready, you will receive an automatic email informing you that your order has been shipped. Don't worry, your order is actually available at our pick-up point, you can now pick it up.

Customer account

Go to your customer account by clicking on the tab displaying your name (top right), then click on "my loyalty points" to convert them into a discount voucher.
This site is dedicated to the general public. Professional customers can request access to the B to B area, by filling out the form: https://www.viral-surf.com/pro. This request will then be submitted for approval, and we will get back to you quickly to validate your access.

Product availability

Only products "in stock" appear on the screen, and our stocks are updated on D + 1. Thus, it happens in rare cases and we apologize for it, that we are forced on D + 1, during the preparation of your order, to notify you of a missing product in your initial order. We are working to reduce these hazards as much as possible. In the event of missing products, our customer service will contact you promptly to agree with you on a replacement for the missing product or a refund.
Only products currently in stock in our warehouses appear on the screen. Thus, a product seen during a previous visit to our site and which would no longer be visible, would result from the unavailability of this product due to insufficient stock.

Foam blank

There are 2 types of foam : polyurethane (PU) blanks and polystyrene (EPS) blanks
With a PU blank, you can use both silmar polyester resin and Sicomin epoxy resin.
With an EPS blank, on the other hand, only epoxy resin should be used. The polyester resin melts the polystyrene.
Note that for a beginner, it is preferable to work with polyester resin and PU blanks, the resin work and sanding being much easier.
The foam blank offered in the “Shape” category are blanks of different lengths, widths, thicknesses… They are stringered or not., and have an appropriate curve for the production of different types of boards. In general, they have dimensions much higher than those of a finished surfboard, and therefore require an overall "shape" work.
The foam blank offered in the “CNC surf and pre-shape models category are the same blanks but having been machined in our workshop, by our KKL machine. The shaping work is well advanced here and the finishing of this stage much faster.
Under no circumstances will a foam blank, machined or not, be laminated without a minimum of "shaping" work
It's possible ! Please send us an email to info@viralsurf.fr or kkl@shaper-house.com indicating which preshape you want. We will send you a quotation.

Shortboard <6 ": 50 €
Mid lenght board <7''6: 55 €
Longboard : 70 €
Find all the information on the dedicated page


Lamination of a polyurethane (PU) blank= polyester resin is generally used, but technically possible also with epoxy resin, as desired.
Lamination of a polystyrene foam (EPS) blank = lamination only possible with epoxy resin. The polyester resin would melt your EPS foam blank!
SIL249-BFH resin is very effective for use with a conventional PMEK catalyst and for laminating colorless boards. The bluish optical brightener it contains allows a whiter rendering of your board. Same goes for the SIL249-BB resin containing more optical brightener for a "whiter than white" result.
Prefer the "classic" SIL249-A resin in the case of use with the addition of pigments (tinted resins), or in the case where you have chosen to work with a UV catalyst.
To harden (= polymerize), the polyester resin requires a catalyst. You can choose to use two types of catalysts: a liquid PMEK catalyst (classic), or a UV catalyst that increases your working time since the polymerization will only take place when you present your board to the rays of the sun.
  • the PMEK catalyst is generally preferred. It allows rapid polymerization of the polyester resin. Depending on the ambient temperature of your workshop - never below 16 degrees, and preferably below 30 ° - add 1 to 2% of catalyst for a gel setting of your resin in about 15 minutes. Warning: less than 1% and your resin could end up never drying fully and make sanding impossible; more than 2% and you may not have time to properly complete your lamination. Read the indications carefully!
  • UV catalyst can replace PMEK. It allows the polyester resin to polymerize by exposing it to UV rays from the sun, or to UV lamps (recommended wavelength: 364nm). Infinite gel time as long as the resin is not exposed to sunlight; it is therefore an ideal alternative for "stress-free" layering. Be careful not to work in a room exposed to light, otherwise the resin will harden prematurely during your work.

The wax in styrene must be added up to 3% during the "hot-coat" step. It allows the sanding of the resin.

The monomer styrene allows it to thin the resin for "finish-coats" / "gloss", or when the resin is a little too thick.

Playing the same role as the wax in added to the polyester resin, our additive EP217 (product page) allows more efficient sanding on the surface, with less clogging of your abrasives, on a more flexible working basis. Add about 4% of EP217 solution to your epoxy resin during the "hot-coat" step.
Be careful, styrenes are dedicated to polyester resin; they must never be used with epoxy resin.
This table shows the quantities needed (with polyester resin and epoxy resin) depending on the step and the size of the board.


Hot coat350g500g600g


Hot coat300g425g525g
It all depends on the opacity you want. An opaque pigment can appear translucent if you mix it in small dose. We advise you to carry out preliminary tests on a piece of foam.
Warning: the dilution of the pigment with the resin must never exceed 3% of the total volume to allow polymerization.

Installation tools for daggerboards (trimmer, router bits, cutters .. ?? !!)

The Makita trimming machine is used when drilling holes for Futures fin boxes. and FCS II. For the Futures system, 2 router bits are necessary: ​​the ¾ router for the side boxes (marked with the letter F) and the ½ router for the central boxes (marked with the letter X). Only one router bit is necessary for the installation of FCS II fin boxes.
All our "slides plates" are adaptable to 2 machines (RT0700 and RT3709) thanks to a blue ring, to be kept or not inside the "slide plate", depending on the machine model used.
The router bits that we supply for the installation of Futures. Or FCS fin boxes have a fixing shank of Ø 6.25mm or 1/4 "(US metric). These are models suitable for American machines, and therefore require a US / Metric EU adapter cone to be used with our European machines. This cone is only provided to you only when purchasing a complete Futures installation kit.
No, router bits dedicated to the installation of longboard boxes have a different diameter shank (metric Ø12mm and US Ø12.7mm), and require the use of a big router.

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