Shaping Block azul a memoria de forma 11,43cm x 27,95cm, FIBERGLASS HAWAI

32,90 € tax incl.

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Un instrumento ligero, práctico, y confortable a la utilización, que permite trabajar la espuma con precision y homogeneidad. Una cara velcro permite adaptar screens o papel de lija.

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"The Fiberglass Hawaii Shaping Pad is made with "Ultra Memory" foam. This means that you can manipulate the pad to the concave, convex, curve and flat parts of your surfboard shape.
his tool was designed with professionals, by professionals, to be the most useful tool in your tool quiver. The hook and loop material allow for easy changing of grits.
Many professional shapers prefer to have two of these blocks ready to go, one for the top and one for the bottom and with various grits. At this price it's a must have for any surfboard builder or craftsman."



Tipos de instrumentos Bloque

