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You will find here, retail, all the supplies and the consumables allowing you to repair your surfboard. It is about products of professional quality. Those same which were used to manufacture your surfboard..
Polite wood mixers, with round off extremities, delivered by 25, 50 or 100 pieces. Dimension: 150mm lenght and 18mm width.
Sanding papers with grits 80,120 and 240. All papers you could need for sanding your repairs and give your surfboard a new clean aspect
Polyester resin SILMAR 249-A - 250ml. Certainly, the resin used to make your board and which will also allow to repair it.
125gr / m ² fiberglass cloth (30 x 30 cms) to use in simple or double layer(s) for any types of small repairs.
Hollow glass microspheres collectively called microballoon. Particularly used for the repair works. Conditioning : 12 grams.
Measure easily catalyst or paraffined styrene necessary for your resin preparation (lamination, hot-coat) with this 90 ml volume syringe. Single use.